Tag Archives: impact

Impact Martial 2012



Annual multidisciplinary martial art seminar

Saturday march 31st

BRASILIAN JIU-JITSU, Julio “Foca“ Fernandez, 6th degree instructor,
Master Carlson Gracie sr. 5 time Brazilian champion, president of BJJ USA
RUSSIAN SYSTEMA, Kevin Secours, former senior instructor under Vladimir
Vasiliev and Mikhail Ryabko, 28 years of martial arts experience
MUAY THAÏ, Arjarn Nick Hewitson, British, European and world Thaï
Boxing champion
SEREI DEFENCE SYSTEM (SDS), André-Jacques Serei, 7th dan, self-defence
AIKI JU-JITSU, Master Pascal Serei, Kyoshi 8th dan, personal protection
specialist and combat strategies and techniques specialist
WUSHU demonstration

Sunday april 1st
BRASILIAN JIU-JITSU, Master Julio “Foca“ Fernandez

Price (free cap at registration):
WKF members, $80/1 day, $130/2 days
Non members, $95/1 day, $155/2 days
At the door
WKF members, $90/1 day, $150/2 days
Non members, $105/1 day, $165/2 days

Where: Académie Martiale Serei, 1950 Dandurand, Montréal, Qc, H2G 1Y9

Registration 9 am, training 10 am (your choice of 4 classes of 1 hour, 4 hours total per day)
You can sleep at the dojo
Instructors with over 8 students per day, free seminar

Information: 514-279-3656, http://www.nintai.ca, http://www.academie-martiale-serei.com
On line registration and information: http://www.impactmartial.com